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The acronym CMMC stands for Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification. It is a collection of cybersecurity standards and practices established by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) to protect sensitive information and improve the cybersecurity posture of enterprises in the defense industrial base (DIB) sector.

CMMC 2.0 compliance requires businesses who work with the DoD to follow particular cybersecurity practices and maturity levels. These practices are divided into three levels, with each reflecting a higher level of cybersecurity maturity, ranging from basic cyber hygiene (Level 1) to advanced cybersecurity capabilities (Level 3).

Services offered in our Compliance Manager:

  • REGULAR COMPREHENSIVE RISK ASSESSMENTS: Compliance is an ongoing aspect of business operations. We monitor and audit your physical, technical, and administrative risks to identify areas that require attention.
  • DOCUMENTED EVIDENCE OF COMPLIANCE: Verifiable proof is crucial and often the most difficult problem. We ensure you have the necessary documentation and audit logs to validate due diligence activities.
  • AVOID CLAIM DENIALS AND REDUCE PREMIUMS: Insurance companies reward organizations that implement proactive security safeguards. Maintaining due care security standards can prevent costly denied claims.
  • CUSTOMIZED REMEDIATION PLANS: We recognize that no two businesses are alike, even within the same industry. We build remediation plans to meet your business's specific needs and dangers.
  • REDUCED SECURITY RISKS: Preparing for compliance benefits all parties involved. Compliance regulations enhance data privacy and security, strengthening your business.
  • CERTIFICATION & AUDIT PREP: Successful certification requires thorough preparation and strategy. We guide your firm through the certification process to ensure it meets criteria and is ready for audits.

Our objective is to provide guidance on how your business may become compliant and meet the requirements at each stage.

Grow your Business

Boost Your Compliancy

By implementing our managed compliance solution, your organization can effectively meet and sustain its data security obligations, optimize the continuous compliance procedures, and remain informed about the ever-changing and intricate global data protection laws and regulations.

Contact us to learn more.


Compliance is more than just following the law; it is about embodying integrity, establishing trust, and protecting our values in every action we do. It is the foundation of our company's dedication to excellence and responsibility.

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